
Workshops: Panels:

Cross Culture Human Interface Design Workshop

Session leader

Kazuhiko Yamazaki (Chiba Institute of Technology)

sub leaders

Seiji Hayakawa (Ricoh Co., Ltd.)
Akira Kondo (Hitachi Intermedix Co., Ltd.)
Kentaro Go (Yamanashi University)


  • Culture centered design method: Find the difference and common based on each culture
  • Value finding method: Make proposed idea based on the findings and analysis
  • Structure scenario method: Make value scenario based on the discussion and finding point
  • Storyboarding method: Visualize story for human interface

Incorporating Kansei Experience into the Design

Session leader

Ayako Hashizume (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


The concept of Kansei is one of the important issues in HCD. Historically, it could be said that HCD’s focus has gradually shifted from objective quality characteristics, such as effectiveness and efficiency, to the subjective impression by the user. Hence, the concept of user experience (UX) is now one of the main focuses of Kansei, though it is still not clearly defined, allows for many interpretations; one common conception is that it is related to a positive and active inclination in people, to use artifacts. Design is an activity to create something new based on the knowledge and the feel of Designers. What is important, is that it should not be done just based on the intuition of the Designer. As the HCD principle tells us, it should be based on the correct and adequate understanding of the context in which it is being used. Therefore Kansei is the new aspect that should be focused on in terms of the survey on the context of its use. What we should focus on, is how we should conduct the survey, and for how long. These are some issues that are still unanswered in terms of the survey of Kansei experience for users. In this workshop, we will discuss and exchange information about how to deal with the user’s Kansei experiences. We are expecting participation by many practitioners and researchers who are interested in this theme.

For those who would like to join the workshop:
You are cordially asked to submit a one page position paper and send it to Ayako Hashizume at
The format is free but the document should contain:
  1. Full name;
  2. Email address
  3. Affiliation
  4. Points that you would like to discuss at the workshop
Applicants will receive a response within 7 days, and the final deadline is August 10th.

Case Studies of HCD in Japan

Session leader

Kazuhiko Yamazaki (Chiba Institute of Technology)


  • Case study, Izumi Kohno (NEC Corp.)
  • Case study, Toru Mizumoto (Sysmex Corp.)
  • Case study, Atsusi Hasegawa (Concent Inc.)
  • Case study, Masayasu Yamamoto (U'eyes Design Inc.)
  • Case study, Kazuhiko Yamazaki (Chiba Institute of Technology)
  • Discussion by speakers

Industrial Session

Session leader

Shinich Fukuzumi (NEC Corp.)


Certification of Professional Ergonomists - IEA Perspective
Takashi Kawai (Waseda Univ.) and Yushi Fujita (Technova Inc.)
About Certification Program for Professional Ergonomists
Motoharu Yokoi (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
Improvement of employability by acquiring qualification in the ergonomic design education
Yuka Fujii (University of Shimane Junior College)
User-Centered Design (UCD) practices on designing user interface, products and services
Ikuko Okamoto and Ryoji Yoshitake (IBM Japan, Ltd.)
User-Centered Design in SI/Software Development
Yusuke Nakao, Kaoru Shimizu, Ichiro Tsukida, Hisashi Noda (NEC Soft,Ltd)

What do we need - people or knowledge?

Session leader

Masaaki Kurosu (The Open University of Japan)


  • Henry Duh (National University of Singapore)
  • Jian-Min Wang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
  • Masaaki Kurosu (The Open University of Japan)
  • Sanjay Tripathi (ABB Corporate Research, India)
  • You Fang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)


In the HCI, it is supposed that "an integrated collaboration among such different disciplines as computer science, social science (esp. cognitive psychology) and design is prerequisite and is effective". But this might be true in an idealistic situation. Usually, it would be difficult to get all the qualified professionals. Then a question arises "How we can do to get the substantial fulfillment?" The fundamental question we should discuss in this panel session is "What do we need – people or knowledge?” in other words, if we need the person who have trained in each of the relevant field or if the knowledge, skills and experiences in each field are sufficient if engineers, for example, should learn and experience the social science and the design. The panelists include representative professionals who have the background in computer science, social science and/or design.


  • 60 minutes - Opening statements from each panelist (10-15 minutes for each)
  • 40 minutes – Discussion among panelists
  • 20 minutes – Discussion and Q/A including participants
    (Total of 120 minutes)